What can you do about it? Now, while ferrets are docile, they might not be good for children. Then, it’s best to leave him alone in his cage to settle in. Remember that this process may take time, but your role as a parent and ferret owner is to facilitate a healthy relationship between your child and your ferret. Older children could be left alone with the ferret for brief periods after their relationship has developed a bit more. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the ferret-child combination. ThePetSavvy.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.We also participates in other affiliate programs so please assume that all links to merchants' websites are affiliate links. Ferrets are capable of slipping under the bottom of doors if there is enough room. All of that can be avoided if you teach your kids right off the bat that their ferret is NOT allowed outside without your supervision and a leash. Ads appearing on any of our websites may be delivered to users by advertising partners, who may set cookies. Ferrets Aren’t Usually Aggressive. Domestic Ferret Colors and Patterns: a Complete Illustrated Guide, What do ferrets like to play with? Ferrets will squeeze themselves into dangerous spaces, steal your belongings, and chew on household objects. Less common than cats and dogs, ferrets are adorable, playful, and cheeky. Exposing a ferret to high-pitched noises. Secondly, ferrets are not good pets if you have children under the age of 12 in the house. It’s not always easy for smaller children to grasp these things, but if they do a ferret should make a very fine friend for them. And the question is, ‘are ferrets good pets for kids?’ The main reason why some experts don’t recommend ferrets for kids is that kids are not very responsible and careful, and ferrets can be violent if you treat them roughly. "well bred" or not, ferrets ARE prone to nipping. They naturally think that’s the appropriate way to play with your child. What can you do about it? Because of this, kids should always be supervised when with the ferrets. I'm Eddie and I founded ThePetSavvy in 2019. Generally, it’s best not to allow babies and ferrets to interact, as it can be dangerous for both child and ferret. There are ways for you to facilitate a safe and loving relationship between your ferret and your children. Ferret owners should be aware that although ferrets can make good pets, they can sometimes carry germs that can make people sick. If you think this is annoying, that’s nothing compared to how your ferret is going to feel. To our knowledge, these incidents have occurred when the ferret is neglected and/or abused and the baby is not being supervised. Let the child know that the ferret will want to sniff him a lot and that he shouldn’t be scared of this behavior. Gradually over the next week, you can start opening up more of the house to him. Are ferrets good pets for kids? You will find here is a useful guide on keeping your ferret nice and clean. A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor's computer, and that the visitor's browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. From then on, it will be your call whether to welcome or not that little furry into your home. Ferrets and children can live peacefully in the same house. Aside from ferret proofing your house, you should also give them the appropriate opportunities for exercise, training and attention. Don’t worry though, as your ferret and your children become more accustomed to each other they’ll start to gel a bit better. Watching these little critters work can be interesting and funny, your kids will love it and so will you. Everything you need to know about ferrets as pets. Having your children feed and provide water for your ferret will help them grow closer together. It is Ferret World's policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our websites. Their reaction may cause them to move suddenly in a way that could injure a ferret. Children are notoriously forgetful. He’ll soon learn that’s not how he is supposed to play. Ferrets and children can be good companions, if appropriate measures are taken to keep both parties safe (especially the ferret!). You must be on hand to put a quick stop to playtime if things get a bit too heated. Kids might not be able to handle a ferret. It is important to make sure there are no ferret sized holes he may try to escape through. Ferret behavior: What is your ferret expressing? Hi Farent! There are quite a few drawbacks and considerations to be made when mixing ferrets and kids, especially young ones. They mustn’t let him escape the house or he may not return. Ferrets can be particular about how they’re … Along with being taught proper bathroo… Until they learn to do so, it’s best to not allow them to interact with human children. Ferrets have plenty to offer children (and adults too!). Lastly, give him plenty of love and attention. They might make the best pets for kids. A parent or guardian is likely the person best suited to decide whether their child is capable of interacting well with an unknown animal. An honest answer. These attacks are not common. If they have had other pets, such as a cat or a dog, they may be used to opening the backdoor and taking their furry friend out into the yard to play. Children aren’t exactly the most vigilant of people so the ferret will very likely escape on their watch. This means that children under about 10 years of age won’t be suited to take care of a ferret unless they are very emotionally mature and intelligent. If you have a ferret-world.com account, you might also receive an alert informing you of these changes. It’s best to allow an older, well-trained ferret to interact with one child at a time because younger kits are prone to biting (and therefore unsafe for children to handle). Owning a pet can be a great character-building opportunity for children. Ferrets can be very loving but it must be done on their terms. If the kids treat it badly, torture it, and don't take good care I would not recommend it for kids. Younger ferrets or rescue ferrets may need to be trained not to bite and to use litter boxes. Just think how hard it is to catch a dog when he runs off. Ferrets are good pets for kids as long as the kids treat the animal with care. Or just go and hide away somewhere until he’s feeling refreshed. And much like a ferret, when they get tired they can get grumpy. Whether you have children and would like to add a ferret to your household or you are a ferret owner expecting your first baby, the following guidelines can help ensure everyone is safe. Ferret World will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. Because ferrets are so small and playful, it’s important to supervise ferrets and children closely. Children especially need to be careful not to yank or squeal at a ferret or hold the ferret in an insecure position. Ferret World may display this information publicly or provide it to others. Additionally, these little critters are great as both house and apartment pets. It’s best to take him back to his cage after this so he can start getting used to where “home” is. This is easier for older children who may be able to care for the ferret mostly on their own, but younger children can still help out too. They also bite each other to induce play, and this is their normal behaviour. Pet ferrets are fairly clean and hypoallergenic but that doesn’t mean they don’t carry germs and other bacteria. Less common than cats and dogs, ferrets are adorable, playful, and cheeky. Ferrets can be rapid when they get excited. Well, perhaps you should! Ferret World encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy covers the use of cookies by Ferret World and does not cover the use of cookies by any advertisers. Are you able to afford a ferret’s vet care? If things start to get a bit tense between your children and the ferret it’s best to put him back in his cage. ​Larger, less skittish, longer-lived, and easier to handle than many other rodents, this often … In addition, depending on the ferret, you may want to caution your child that the ferret doesn’t always want to be cuddled and may want to be set free of human arms. Join other ferret owners and experts and get access to Dook Dook Ferret Magazine, Ferret-World Members Community and other Resources! They don’t like being held all the time, but they do enjoy being picked up and snuggled occasionally. Ferrets Are Playful and Curious. Ferrets are actually less germy than dogs and cats, but because you generally have to have several litter boxes around the house for a ferret, a toddler is more likely to end up playing in the litter boxes. First things first, is making sure you have everything a ferret might need: Cage, water bowl, food bowl, bed, toys, and food for starters. And visitors can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information, with the caveat that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website-related activities. If you do allow your child to hold the ferret, have the child sit down and hold the ferret such that her back legs are being supported. Ferret World ("Ferret World") operates ferret-world.com and may operate other websites. Many ferrets love chewy, rubbery objects, so they might go after baby bottle nipples and baby toys, these, if chewed and swallowed by the ferret, could also potentially cause an intestinal blockage that needs an operation to save the ferrets life. Ferrets have become the third most popular house pet in the USA, and their owners now represent a large cross-section of America. For this reason and how generally rough young children can be ferrets may not always gel with toddlers and very young children. If we have kids and would like them to grow up with a pet, a ferret is a good, simple-to-take-care-of option. However, there must be some very clear boundaries set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB_aCv8bYU8, Ferret Care 2018 – How to Care For Pet Ferrets (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB_aCv8bYU8). Children can be full of energy and struggle to wind down, much like a ferret. Refrain from having your ferret near a baby who is feeling fussy, as a baby’s cries may stress your ferret. If you are at all concerned that your ferret may hurt your baby or vice versa, the safest thing is to not allow them to play together until you are able to teach your child how to behave around a ferret. Have you got your FREE copy of the ‘Ferret First Aid And Emergency Care’ eBook (worth $17) yet? Native... Hey friends! Sometimes, they do need time to stretch their legs out of their cage at least twice a day is best. They might also perceive a newborn baby as a potential small prey if they've never seen a child before. Just as much for the ferret’s safety as their own. Yes, ferrets can make great pets for children! There are panda-marked ferrets, sables with very dark brown fur, chocolate . They are incredibly cute and fluffy. Created by ferret owners for ferret owners, 5% of revenue goes towards ferret shelters, Largest ferret owners community in the world, © Ferret World|All Rights Reserved|Privacy Policy|Site Map. Some may be surprised to learn that ferrets are pretty clever and can be trained rather like dogs. So if you don’t allow your child to rub their face on their new furry pal they’ll probably be okay. Sea monkeys or brine shrimp make perfect introductory pets for your child. Generally, ferrets are pets of adults, not children. If the ferret is known to be a biter, it’s especially important not to let children handle him or her. Not a fun time and best to be avoided. Read also: Do ferrets bite? Being bitten. . Rats. Comparatively, humans have thinner, more delicate skin and are more likely to be hurt by a ferret’s playful nip. As a ferret owner, it’s up to you to teach your kits not to nip. Ferrets are adorable, energy-filled little critters who love to be loved! If you like to keep doors around your house open then a ferret is perhaps not suited to you home. For the first few encounters between the ferret and the child, consider holding your ferret. In some cases, they are even capable of utilizing a tool to help them with whatever it is they’re trying to achieve. . Like many pets, ferrets offer children the opportunity to learn about animal behavior and empathy, which can be a valuable part of a child’s emotional development. “Ferret First Aid And Emergency Care” eBook! A strange new house with strange new sounds and smells can be overwhelming. Ferrets are not recommended for a household with children younger than 6 or 7 years, and especially close supervision would be required around infants or babies. Ferret World takes all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorized access, use, alteration or destruction of potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information. It’s best that the ferret has been in the family for a little while before anyone but you try to do this, it may take your furry friend a little while to become calm and relaxed going through the health and beauty section of your weekly routine. Thank you! Ferret World also collects potentially personally-identifying information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses for logged in users and for users leaving comments on ferret-world.com blogs/sites. Your children may have the very best intentions when they try to cuddle their new ferret. “Pocket pets” are what people call small domestic animals such as gerbils, hamsters, ferrets and rabbits. Basically, expect to be bitten with blood to be seen. Do ferrets bite? If you’re considering bringing a ferret into your home and are wondering whether they will mix well with a family including children, this article contains everything you need to know. Ferrets have very sensitive ears and those screams are going to be just downright painful for them. They are entertaining, playful and clever, and can develop in your child a sense of responsibility. Most people assume that ferrets are rodents and the word rodent often makes people turn up their nose. My husband did fine with these ferrets for about five years. One way to help a child with gentle petting is to instruct her to use two fingers, index and middle, to pet the ferret. Ferrets can be particular about how they’re handled so they are not the best pets for small toddlers. Are ferrets good with kids? Not all pets particularly enjoy being squeezed and fussed over. Eventually, you can give him free roam if you so wish. It’ll also go into detail about how to best make a ferret feel welcomed into his new home. Why do ferrets smell? Always supervise children and ferrets together. Saying that ferrets are fast would be a bit of an understatement. In addition, it may be best to keep your ferret’s cage in a room that has some soundproofing so as to muffle any sounds from the baby. Ferrets are a flight risk and will make a mad dash for any open doorway to escape. So make sure all your babies items are put away, out of reach of the ferret. Germs can be transmitted between ferrets and humans, and litter boxes are a particularly disgusting way to pass germs back and forth. Teach your child to be gentle with the ferret. Ferret History - Where did they come from? If a child other than your own wants to pet your ferret, be sure to obtain the parent’s permission. Afterall, ferrets aren’t any worse in this regard than an indoor cat. As the kits can be taught not to bite. No. If there are any little cracks he can slip through he will certainly find them, so best to be thorough. If you are a registered user of an Ferret World website and have supplied your email address, Ferret World may occasionally send you an email to tell you about new features, solicit your feedback, or just keep you up to date with what's going on with Ferret World and our products. Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations, as described above, Ferret World discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only in response to a subpoena, court order or other governmental request, or when Ferret World believes in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the property or rights of Ferret World, third parties or the public at large. Unless you teach it that it is unacceptable to bite humans, you cannot expect it not to bite. If you send us a request (for example via email or via one of our feedback mechanisms), we reserve the right to publish it in order to help us clarify or respond to your request or to help us support other users. Make sure your children understand that a ferret won’t come when it’s called. Adults and children can easily step on a ferret and crush her spine, resulting in paralysis or even death. Ferrets are no different, each of their personalities is so varied they may love cuddle time, or they may not. Are you willing to train a ferret? Ferret World may collect statistics about the behavior of visitors to its websites. If they’re mature enough you could even teach them how to wash, brush and clean the ears of your new ferret. Ferret World discloses potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors and affiliated organizations that (i) need to know that information in order to process it on Ferret World's behalf or to provide services available at Ferret World's websites, and (ii) that have agreed not to disclose it to others. With so many breeds, sizes, and colors to choose from, rabbits can make perfect pets for kids that are older. Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information. In addition, given the proper care and training, indeed ferrets can make good pets even with children. Ferrets are good pets because they are very capable of being trained, particularly litter box trained. Ferrets are incredibly intelligent and with proper and consistent training can learn tricks, litter box training, and kind behavior. Prevent your kids from playing in the ferrets’ litter boxes. Ensure your ferret’s safety by holding him securely during all interactions with young children. Yes, ferrets can make great pets for children! After a little while, you can move him to a closed room in the house with just yourself. Always supervise interactions between ferrets and children. Today we will discuss the cost of acquiring and maintaining sugar gliders as pets.Because of their small size, sugar gliders can be fairly inexpensive when compared to some other... [ANSWERED] Why are sugar gliders illegal in California? Finally, here is a nice video from Emzotic that will give you a definite idea as to whether ferrets are the next pet for your family! (To hold a ferret securely, place one hand around and underneath her belly and use the other hand to support the hind legs. I want you to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on your lovely pets and for this I create these guides which I'm sure you will love. Let your ferret become familiar with your child’s smell by placing a used piece of bedding, like a small blanket, in the ferret’s cage. If a ferret is stressed, he may bite the person who is holding him. Ferrets and children can be good companions, if appropriate measures are taken to keep both parties safe (especially the ferret!). Eddie is a pet owner, animal journalist, and the founder of ThePetSavvy.com He is passionate about animal behavior and spends hours doing research to gather the most accurate and up-to-date information on his favorite pets. This is another reason why its important to keep an eye on them. Ferret World does not disclose personally-identifying information other than as described below. All ferrets need to be treated delicately because they can be injured by rough handling. :), Join Other Ferret Owners and Experts and Get Access to Research Database and Magazines, 101 Ferret Games and Homemade Ferret Toys, Lick, Lick, Chomp: Stop Your Ferret Biting You, Warm & Fuzzy: Ferret Stories To Warm Your Heart & Soul, Buy individual copies of Dook Dook Ferret Magazine. Ferrets are not the best pets for young children because they can bite if handled inappropriately. Whilst cats and dogs would return home with them a ferret probably won’t. There are a variety of colors and markings for ferrets. Although most changes are likely to be minor, Ferret World may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and in Ferret World's sole discretion. Cool Pets for Kids. You may wish to let your ferret roam free for the most part when you bring him home for the first time. Do you have the time to supervise a ferret? To protect your ferret and your kid, it is important to teach your child how to interact with a ferret safely. Keep an eye on playtime and separate the ferret whenever he starts getting too nippy. Ferret World's purpose in collecting non-personally identifying information is to better understand how Ferret World's visitors use its website. Another idea is to teach the child to use her pinkie finger as a “petting finger.” Have the child make a fist, then extend just the pinkie for petting the ferret. Consider the temperament of ferret and child. I bet you haven’t considered a ferret. Ferrets are very affectionate and showing him how much you care about him can help him feel much more at ease, much more quickly. Ferrets have thick skin, which means that nipping tends to cause little or no damage to other ferrets. I’m sure that your kids will want to play with him and that’s great! If however, he’s antagonized while he’s trying to rest, he’s likely to bite or scratch. No ferrets are not suitable for younger kids under the age of 10. They are such beautiful and unique little critters, that the novelty won’t wear off anytime soon. However they are not recommended for… We will now have a look at 3 reasons why they make sensational pets for kids, and in the next section we will analyse 3 reasons why they – sometimes – aren’t the best match at all. Can ferrets live in an apartment? While ferrets may never be one hundred percent litter box trained, many ferrets eagerly pick up on emotions of their owners and can be potty trained with praise, treats, and a little bit of patience. If the kids treat it with respect, feed it, play with it, and give it a good home then all should be good. The purchase price of a ferret can range between $75 and $200, but owners must keep in mind the additional lifelong costs when considering a ferret as a pet. Don’t play rough with your ferret to encourage him to be gentle with humans. Ferrets have become common household pets in the United States, and their curious and friendly nature makes them suitable pets for many. If you feel it’s safe, let the child pet the ferret gently. This article will look into all the benefits of having a ferret can provide to you and your children. Written by Eddie Berger | Last Updated December 2nd, 2020. For one, it’s easy to find food for ferrets, so we won’t have to worry about cooking special dishes for them. The capability to flex their skeletons into incredible shapes means ferrets can fit through anything bigger than 2 inches in diameter. Your ferret isn’t likely to cry and throw a tantrum when he gets too tired the way a child might. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing but it is something to consider with children. Just remember he needs some alone time too. These critters are very intelligent, many new ferret owners are amazed at how clever they are. Encourage your child to pet the ferret, move slowly, and use a soft, calm voice with her. You can get it by filling in your details here. They won’t exactly be using a screwdriver but they will use sticks or other small items to help themselves out. If you keep your ferret bathed regularly, clean his ears and keep his encloser nice and clean you cut down on these risks massively. Nonetheless, a brand-new ferret takes a lot even more time and experience than the majority of people understand, which does not make them excellent for a brand-new pet owner or for a house with kids. Rabbits are extremely cute, cuddly and intelligent pets with a playful nature. If you would like to support us please visit the below links to check out the membership and products: Ferret-World.com Membership https://ferret-world.mykajabi.com/p/ferret-world-membership-program-1 Ferret-World.com Products https://www.ferret-world.com/ferretshop.html FREE GIFT GIVEAWAY https://ferret-world.mykajabi.com/p/free-magazine-issue-8 Visit the Ferret-World website on http://www.Ferret-World.com Also join the Ferret-World community on: Facebook - http://www.Facebook.com/FerretWorld Twitter - http://www.Twitter.com/FerretWorld Pinterest - http://www.Pinterest.com/FerretWorld You can also buy the 101 Ferret Games and Homemade Ferret Toys eBook here: https://www.ferret-world.com/101ferretgamesandhomemadeferrettoys.html Also don't forget to subscribe to this channel! Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change. Certain visitors to Ferret World's websites choose to interact with Ferret World in ways that require Ferret World to gather personally-identifying information. If either is prone to aggressive behavior or is easily excitable, it is best not to let the child handle the ferret directly. A child 12 years or older would be better. For this reason, you’ll want to protect your ferret from loud children. You can usually find these ready to grow in… Helping Your Ferrets Live Healthier, Happier Lives. For experienced ferret owners who want to introduce a younger child to a ferret, consider taking the following precautions in addition to the advice above for older children. Ferrets may not be a good idea if you have very small children. Ideally, ferrets need four hours or more of time outside of their cage, and they need to be supervised because of their ability to get into trouble while roaming around the house. This information allows ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you. To make your home safe for a ferret, you’ll have to spend time modifying your space to remove tempting but dangerous things. It’s best if you hold your ferret outside of the house to minimize the chance of your ferret escaping. Kids can get very attached to their pets, so you will need to consider your child’s emotional attachment when choosing pets for kids. Here is a great article detailing what to think about when getting your first ferret. Keep in mind safety and the needs of all involved to ensure that no one gets hurt. Children aren’t going to react well to their new fur-ball giving them a quick nip on the hand, so its important to avoid this kind of play with younger children. They can give them some of the responsibilities of ownership can help develop them into a more well-rounded person and grow. 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